
Gaze, originally uploaded by NewDirection-Images by Tony.

Dollen shirts in the wild. It's always cool to see dollen shirts shot by other photographers. Tony is pretty amazing with a camera and this georgous model.

It's been a long night in New York city...

It's been a long night in New York city...

Colorado Model Alix R.

I find my images in all sorts of strange places, sites, articles and blogs. To the credit of the web community I usually find a credit or tag that leads back to my images and for me that is thanks enough. I know there are a those out there who are just appalled by this idea of people using images without asking me in advance but for me... I want my pictures to be seen. Just give me a fair credit and we are golden.

I was pretty pleased to see someone use this image and even more impressed to see Alix get her love too :) She is such a good model and has always made me look good.

So I decided to take a voyage in photo shoots past and find an image of Alix that I hadn't posted yet. Something I passed on for whatever reason or just didn't post. You'd be surprised how many images slip through the cracks.

Some of you have made it very clear that info is good and I suck at sharing.. so here is a little more randomness about this shoot, Alix and the ideas.

The shoot was Alix's idea. She has done some cool stuff with us before and wanted to do a shoot for her boyfriend for his Birthday I think it was. Something sexy and memorable. I am thinking he is not the jealous type but anyway…

We used the video editing suite of our lighting guru Chad and tried to shoot some "naked but not nude" shots. A term I made up and use to say that we are shooting the model naked but not showing any fine details of that nakedness.

We rarely do anything beyond "Naked but not nude".. it's just our style. I do have a couple of exceptions to that statement but they are not posted to Flickr. Maybe in a future newsletter though.

We had 2 Alienbee 400 strobes at the time and some sunlight from the balcony door. I assure you that when it comes to equipment less is more and for all of you out there with a cheap kit… don't let the lack of arsenal keep you from shooting creative set-ups. You can do a lot with minimal light.

The great debate on the set was the couch. Some thought it was too fuzzy looking and others thought it was a good contrast to the skin. One person said "what couch?"

For those that know the diagonal thirds rule… this very much applies.

Rj Dollen

Ladies and Gentleman… Brittany Nicole Lewis

We've partnered up with our favorite designer for a relaunch of the Envosy Mason fashion collection. This is going to be good :)

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